

7201 Wisconsin Ave Suite
#310 Bethesda, MD 20814


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Botox® is a brand name for Botulinum toxin, a purified protein. Botox® is injected into a specific muscle; however, it is not the muscle that the Botox® directly effects. It actually binds to the nerve that innervates that muscle and stops that nerve from releasing its neurotransmitter. There is no loss of sensory feeling in the muscles, only the nerves responsible for movement are affected leading to less pain and a smoother appearance.

Dermal fillers ares made of hyaluronic acid and placed inside the lips to give them a fuller and larger look and can be sculpted to your personal liking.

Results last approximately three to four months, so it’s recommended that you receive the injections in three month intervals for both Botox and dermal fillers. Botox® can be used to treat many conditions such as temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD), headaches, migraines, and bruxism (teeth grinding).

Dental Botox® is giving a whole new meaning to the word by treating conditions that cause facial pain, but it can still cause some positive cosmetic side effects as an added bonus. For example, dental Botox® treatments may also smooth wrinkles or make the treated areas of your face appear slimmer, like your cheeks or chin. It can be a great addition to complement aesthetic dentistry. Botox® can be used to create a more attractive smile. Such as minimize showing ‘too much’ gum when smiling, the upper lip can be treated to enhance your smile.